Seçili Makale ve Bildirileri
Seçili Kitap Bölümü ve Makaleler
- Bayar S., Barbara Ward. “Physiologic Changes and Benign Perimenopausal Breast Disease”, Principles and Practice of Geriatric Surgery, ed. Rosenthal R.A, Zenilman ME and Katlic MR, p: 325-330, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2001 KİTAP BÖLÜMÜ
- Bayar S, Saxena R, Emir B, Salem RR. “Venous invasion may predict lymph node metastasis in early rectal cancer,” European Journal of Surgical Oncology, 28, 413-7 (2002).
- Gold JS, Bayar S, Salem RR. “Association of Streptococcus bovis bacteremia with colonic neoplasia and extracolonic malignancy” Archives of Surgery, 2004 Jul;139(7):760-5
- Gagliardi G, Bayar S, Smith R, Salem RR. “Preoperative Staging of Rectal Cancer Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with External Phase Arrayed Coils,” Archives of Surgery, 137(4), 447-51 (2002).
- Bayar S, Ünal E, Tez M, Kocaoglu H, Demirci S, Akgül H. “Regional chemotherapy for advanced pancreatic carcinoma,” Hepato-Gastroenterology, 50, 550-2 (2003)
Seçili Bildiriler
- Bayar S., Pizzorno G.,Leffert J., Salem RR. “Evaluation of the pharmacokinetics of CPT11 (irinotecan hydrochloride) and its metabolite SN38 when given by infusion into the hepatic artery,” CTACS-CSABS, Cromwell, S:25, CT, ABD Aralık, 1998
- Bayar S., Smith R., Salem RR. “MRI imaging in rectal cancer, correlation with histopathologic staging” CTACS-CSABS, Cromwell, S:22, CT, ABD, 2 Aralık, 1998
- Bayar S, Düzgün S, Bayar B, Emir B, Salem RR. Hepatic Intraarterial pentoxifylline may improve ischemia reperfusion (I/R) injury. NECS, ME, ABD, Kasım 12-14, 1999
- Bayar S, Akgül H, Ünal AE. “Gastric cancer in Turkey: a prospective endoscopic mass screening study”, ESSO meeting, 10-12 Eylül, 2008, Hollanda